The beautiful project was a multi-stage project where I worked through several small projects all of which had a one-week deadline, working on different aspects of beauty within the design, from proportions and ratios to shapes and aesthetics on items like spatulas or jugs.
The mouse was designed to be a Brutalist, yet functional piece focusing on hard lines and edges. These 2 jugs were designed as a pair, the taller for water and the shorter for cordial, to decide their heights I used the golden ratio with the spiral for the width of the curves and the value for the factor of height between the 2. The head of the spatula went through several redesigns trying to find a shape that matched the graceful swoop of the hand, which culminated in a shape similar to that of a house crest or an eagle with its wings spread, matching the grace and continuity of the body.
The mouse was designed to be a Brutalist, yet functional piece focusing on hard lines and edges. These 2 jugs were designed as a pair, the taller for water and the shorter for cordial, to decide their heights I used the golden ratio with the spiral for the width of the curves and the value for the factor of height between the 2. The head of the spatula went through several redesigns trying to find a shape that matched the graceful swoop of the hand, which culminated in a shape similar to that of a house crest or an eagle with its wings spread, matching the grace and continuity of the body.

This project continued into a redesign of all of these beautiful products and make them more usable or desirable for the user, through ergonomic and haptic research these designs were improved further functionally and through changes of aesthetic and proportion were they made more appealing.
For my mouse redesign, I made the shape more flowing allowing for a wider range of hands to be comfortable while using it, also reducing the size of the design made it far more appropriate for all users.
The Jugs were redesigned to seem more anthropomorphised into a family, and thus were turned into a parent and a junior bird, with the elder looking down towards the youngster.
The spatula was edited so that the grip would be more reliable, by adding a trigger grip and shortening the head it became far easier to manipulate and far harder to lose grip on.