This project aims to increase accessibility above all else, the core function of the system can be made with hand tools and costs just more than £100. Everything past the steam box is an addition to the process to make it more versatile and comprehensive in its ability to generate design.

This is a brochure of the key aspects of the whole project as well as the failures that drove key learning in the process.
A Lean Mean Steam Machine
A versatile, portable and reliable steam machine that spreads moisture and heat evenly throughout
A Pegboard Family
The Pegboard Set is designed in such a way that a great variety of either 2D or 3D formers/profiles can be mounted on them. The smaller editions allow for capping and supporting profiles.
Failures Then, Success to Come
The process is by no means without flaws, there are mistakes that can be made at almost every stage, but each failure educates the next attempt.
Problem: Gaps caused by PolyUrethane glue expanding during sealing
Solution: Use a water-based or resin instead for less expansion
Problem: Cracking when forming due to grain in the wrong direction
Solution: Be careful to ensure the external grain is correctly oriented
Problem: Partial splitting due to lack of consistent support during pressure application
Solution: Clamp and hold in steps to avoid overstressing corners and bends
Problem: Multiple splits due to not enough time within the steamer
Solution: Ensure material is properly treated before attempting to form
Problem: Delamination of layers due to too long within the steamer
Solution: Ensure material is not over-exposed and internal glues are not compromised
Problem: Pinching in corners due to uneven pressure
Solution: Use stronger formers to prevent flex when affixing
Problem: Splitting on edges due to external forces
Solution: Use a cover sheet internal and external to more evenly distributed forces
A balance stool made of 3 repetitions of 1 component, my first finished creation using steam bending and lamination in combination has opened up a number of potentials for future creation.
This piece was my first creation using steam bending, I am currently experimenting and exploring more routes and possibilities of components and products that I can produce from this self-made process. My video details how I made the machine itself.
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